This stylish blu-ray player is a must-have device for Apple fans. Comparable in size to the Apple Superdrive, which only supports DVD/CD playback, this handy gadget allows you to also play blu-ray discs. As other reviewers have noted, you must also install blu-ray player software which doesn't come with the product.
- Blu-ray Player Software is a Blu-ray media library application designed to play Blu-ray discs, BDMV folders and Blu-ray ISO files on the computers running the Microsoft Windows and Mac operating systems.Depending on the computer operating system it runs on, the Blu-ray player software is divided into two general categories: Mac Blu-ray player and Windows Blu-ray player.
- Used on PC, full function UHD 4K Blu-ray playback with appropriate 3rd party software, read and write DVD and CD. On Mac, read and write regular Blu-Ray, DVD, and CD. Note that when using with Mac the drive may not be able to playback UHD 4K blu-ray because there is lack of supporting 3rd party software. Support M-DISC BD-R CNC aluminum body.

I have a HD camcorder and create home movies of my daugher with FCP X. I have an iMac (late 2012 model I think). I recently purchased the Sea Tech Archgon blu-ray writer super drive with the intent of buring blu-ray disks for the grandparents. The instruction manual for the blu-ray player states 'Please purchase and download appropriate blu-ray playback software for Mac OS'. My questions are:
Archgon Blu Ray Mac Software Torrent
1) When I plug in the drive, no icon appears on the desktop. There is power to the unit because it allows me to open and put a disk in.
2) Do I need to purchase Mac Blu-Ray player just for the iMac to see the drive before I can burn any blu-ray disks?
3) I don't intend to use the drive to watch any blu-ray movies. This is strictly for making blu-ray disks that can be popped into a regular blu-ray player so the grandparents and other relatives can enjoy the home movies.
4) Is FCP X an appropriate software, which I already have on my computer? It allows me to create DVD directly from FCP X, but when I tried to do it from FCP X, this drive does not come up as an option.
5) I also have Titanium Toast and purchased the blu-ray upgrade. Then I save the file from FCP as a master on the computer and attempted to burn the blu-ray using Toast. Again, this drive does not come up as an option.
Archgon Blu Ray Mac Software Free

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Archgon Blu Ray Mac Software Reviews
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